People that have stalked me:

Monday, September 19, 2011

So. You may have heard about all this stuff about household items that will smooth skin/erase acne/make your hair shiny/make your hair strong/whiten your teeth/etc/etc/etc.

It's a trap.

I decided to try one of these natural remedies for fun--this morning I decided to put egg in my hair, let it sit, and then wash it out. Cause, you know, it's supposed to make your hair shiny and soft. I figured it could be cool. Fun. A good time.

So in went the egg. I squished it around some, got my hair all coated. Good times. Let it sit about 5 minutes. Then I went to wash it out, and everything was fine.

Or so I thought.

I got out of the shower, put my hair in a towel turban while I went about my business. After a few minutes I took my hair out, finger combed it without really looking at it, as per usual, then happened to glance down at my fingers. They were covered with white flecks of cooked egg. 

Cooked. Egg.

Then I realized: I'm one of those people that takes incredibly hot showers, like burn-the-top-layer-of-skin-off hot. And so that, kiddies, is the story of how I cooked an egg on my head. In the shower. But you know what? My hair is super duper shiny right now.

Close enough.

In other news:

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